Stay Healthy Techniques and Tips

Cardiovascular system: Understand it to stay healthy

cardiovascular systemCardiovascular system is entirely related to the heart and the blood vessels. It is responsible for the transportation of blood at every corner of our body. Cardiovascular system is the system that maintains the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body making us fit and fine.

Cardiovascular system includes heart, veins, arteries, capillaries, arterioles, and venules. Cardiovascular system supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells into our body and also removes the waste products and carbon dioxide from our body. Functioning of cardiovascular system is very important and we must understand the process and importance of it. The blood vessels inside the body of an adult have a length of nearly 60,000 miles. The cardiovascular system helps to move the blood from the huge network of vessels.

When it is about Cardiovascular system, the heart plays an important role in it, as it is the main part that must function properly to life. Every beat of heart is important and efficient. Hence, the heart is the center of the cardiovascular system. The heart works as a driver and supplies the force so that the blood could move further. The pumping of heart forces the blood to move out of its chambers and allows the next amount of blood to come inside.

cardiovascular systemThe heart pumps from both the sides that helps receiving blood inside and also pumps outside the chamber. The blood put down the heart in pulsed waves due to the cardiovascular system. As the system is very important, we must act accordingly to strengthen and make our immune system strong. Cardiovascular system is the major part of our body that maintains the entire health and wellness. All in short could be said that the cardiovascular system transport oxygen to every tissue in the body and removes the metabolic waste products from the same tissues.

The cardiovascular system comprised of the blood, blood vessels, pipes from where blood flows into the body, heart, pump that forces the inside blood to flow from the blood vessels, the medium for exchanging oxygen, and the nutrients and waste products in the entire body. Once you learn the cardiovascular system, you can easily judge and manage to keep you healthy. For this, you should know the process and functioning of the cardiovascular system in details. The system transport blood throughout the body. So it is important to understand that the blood are of four types.

There are four different components of blood found in our body. They are plasma, platelets, white blood cells, and Red blood cells. The existence of all four components of blood in our body with certain percentage is very important to survive. It is the red blood cells that carry oxygen as well as waste products from the blood vessels. So you can name the red blood cells as oxygen carriers. Learning and understanding the entire system is quite time consuming. So you better relax and take your own time to understand.

Well, the cardiovascular system’s functioning involves various things and process that keeps you healthy and fine. One change in the system and you will be suffering from the disorders that need prompt treatment.

Also know more about Cross training benefits

Experiment with Cross Training

In general, cross training involves the combination of two or more types of physical activity. The name may sound tedious, but it isn’t. Cross training spices up your exercise program. It is a must for athletes and those who wish to enjoy optimum health.Cross Training

No matter what your fitness goal, cross training helps you achieve it. With cross training you have the same goal but multiple activities. For instance, you may combine aerobic activity with jogging and biking.

You can even utilize the entire week for different activities. Scheduling alternate days for specific activities can lead to great health. For instance, schedule Monday and Wednesday for swimming and the rest of the days for jogging.

Cross training improves the fitness levels. Optimum performance is also achieved. There are many more advantages:

Reduces risk of injury: It reduces the stress on bones, muscles, and joints. Combining strenuous activities with mild ones can reduce the risk of injuries in the long run.
Makes exercise fun: Exercise can get interesting if you indulge in different activities every day.
Burn calories: Cross training helps you lose unnecessary weight.
Serves as a backup plan: If your cycle is not working, jogging is always an option. Other minor injuries might not deter you from swimming.

Cross TrainingTo make the most of Cross Training, you need to plan and organize your activities. Creativity in deciding which activities to choose is always beneficial. Besides cycling and swimming, other activities such as dancing and household chores will also serve the purpose. It is ideal if you include aerobic activity and weight training as part of cross training.

You need to wear the right gear when you take up these activities. Appropriate shoes are the most common prerequisite. Do not include strenuous exercise on consecutive days.

Diabetes Symptoms

Some of the early diabetes symptoms are mild and may seem harmless. It is possible to have diabetes for months and years at end without any visible symptoms.diabetes symptoms

United States alone accounts for six million people who do not recognize Diabetes symptoms. Knowing the symptoms can lead to better diagnosis and treatment. Consult your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned below:

Excessive thirst and frequent urination
These both are classic diabetes symptoms. Diabetes causes build up of glucose in the blood. This forces your kidneys to work strenuously to filter the excess sugar. If your kidneys fail to keep pace, the sugar is excreted in the urine. This leads to frequent thirst and a vicious cycle of thirst and urination begins.

This is a common symptom of diabetes. There are many factors responsible for this. Dehydration due to frequent urination is one cause. Since the body fails to utilize sugar for energy, the functioning of the body is impaired.

Weight loss
Loss of sugar through frequent urination can lead to weight loss. Hunger is also common as the sugar does not reach the cells. This occurrence is more in Type 1 diabetes.

Problems with Visiondiabetes symptoms
Diabetes can hamper your vision. The increased levels of sugar in the blood draw fluid from tissues, which include the lenses of the eyes. This makes it difficult to focus. Diabetes can also cause the formation of new blood vessels in the retina. It can also damage old blood vessels. If left untreated, it can lead to severe vision problems and blindness.

Poor Healing of Wounds
Individuals with diabetes have an increased number of infections. It is possible for the high levels of blood sugar to obstruct the natural, healing process of the body.

Tingling Sensation in Hands and Feet
Excessive blood sugar can cause nerve damage. This can cause tingling sensation in the hand and feet.